Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Who Was the Underdog?

2/11/15 – Who was the Underdog?

·         Think about some of your memories of the story of David and Goliath; what were some of your memories from your childhood regarding that story?
o    David, just a boy, did the unthinkable.
o   The triumph of an underdog.
o   Etc.
·         Watch this 15 minute TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziGD7vQOwl8

·         Now, do you see the story of David and Goliath in a new way?
o   Ponder the following:
§  We often look at that story as a miracle, of sorts, but the outcome seems just logical after watching that TED Talk.
·         What if there are other stories in the Bible that we chalk off to “miracle” when God was building to that moment the whole time?
·         This is not to suggest that miracles don’t happen, but rather to suggest that God works on a larger scale.
§  Rather than sulking in the fact that he wasn’t a soldier, he chose to embrace the position God put him in.
·         Are there any ways that you’re sulking about a position (ahem, singles) that God has you in rather than embracing it and the skills that He may be giving you in the process?

Try to think of areas in your life where you could embrace your circumstances and seemingly pedestrian skills knowing that God may be working on the perfect moment for you to step up when you’re ready.  Once you pinpoint that area you can begin appreciating it. 

Biblical References

1 Samual 17 - The Story of David and Goliath

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